Saturday, October 27, 2007

Today's Lesson: The Hawthorne Effect

It's expressed as "a temporarily change to behavior or performance in response to a change in the environmental conditions. This change is typically an improvement."

In this case, most definitely an improvement. At the very minimum, an improvement in my morning, after viewing.

More elaborate defnition continues: "Others have broadened this definition to mean that people’s behavior and performance change following any new or increased attention."

It's why actors get paid so much (because they don't look like they know they're on camera. And why dogs will always remains man's best friend. Or at least other mens' best friend when this kind of thing happens to someone you know.

Here's my weak segue from The Hawthorne Effect to the Donate Your Coke Codes blog. You send in MyCokeRewards codes (from 12/24-packs &/or 20oz'ers of Coke products) to HelpAKid, then I put your name on the list on the base page. That's like upping your media value, giving you a few seconds of your 15 minutes of fame, so you get a little starry eyed and your performance, HOPEFULLY, changes and then you send in even more, bigger codes. :)

That work for ya? Hope so, cuz it's all I got before college football starts today.

Apologies. Thanks. And remember to keep smiling.

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