Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Today's Lesson: Grammar

It's an oldie but a goodie, inspired by a little kid on my train this morning who asked, and I'm not making this up,
"Hey, man. You know what time it's at?"

Reluctantly, I told him what time it was, and I gave him the location of the time (my watch) as a bonus. But then I spent the next 20 minutes of my ride shaking my head. And then I stumbled on this illustration of the importance of good grammar/punctuation.

The basic truth to this is: kids need help. Lots of it. And especially kids who don't get as much in the way of education as some of the rest of us do or did.

SO if you want to, can, and drink anywhere near as much Diet Coke as I do (or any of the products listed on the sidebar), send the codes to HelpAKid. And the nice people working behind the scenes of Nick's Kids Fund will distribute the "prizes" as best fit the kids' needs.

And if there are any grammatical errors in this post, I blame it on lack of caffeine.

Thanks. And remember to keep smiling.

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